Worx PIN Max Attempts
Ever wondered why you can add new key on the Support Options (AppController) or Client Properties (XenMobile Server) on the Settings section? One of them is the configuration of the maximum attempts for the WorxPIN. By default a user can…
ShareFile Reset Script
Version 2 of this script is available here As I am including ShareFile in my trainings and I want to give to each student the same experience I share a couple of demonstration accounts. As I'm lazy and I don't…
XenMobile 10 POC Installation using SSL_Bridge
XenMobile 10 is out! But just for new installations, the upgrade path is expected to be released in the next 6 weeks As there is nothing out there yet I've decided to write up some. Please bear in mind that…
Windows 8.1 Wrapping Script
Hi everybody, Similar to what I wrote on bash for iOS and Android apps, this script takes all windows phone apps from a specified folder and runs it through the app wrapper. If you want to use this script, like…
Working with private certificates on XenMobile 9 / WorxHome 10
It looks like working with certificates from a private PKI doesn't work anymore on iOS as soon as working in a XenMobile Enterprise Environment. Bad for the own test environment Even if the internal Root Certificate is installed manually on…
XenMobile 9 Infrastructure
As I was unable to find an architecture overview containing all ports. It should contain all ports on a full enrolled XenMobile 9 Infrastructure, just missing DNS and NTP but I was unsure how to insert these in the graphic…
iOS and Android Wrapping Script
First post! As I was starting to get sick of clicking through the AppWrapper for each App I've decided to write up an Script which picks up all IPA and APK files in a specific folder and stores them in…