As network engineers and technicians, we often rely on Wireshark to troubleshoot and analyze network…
List VM VDIs by SR IP
Quick and dirty Powershellscript to display the mount point and network point of VDIs by Virtual machines on a specific NFS Storage IP
– you need the XenServerPSModule available on citrix downloads
– just change the first to lines to your xenserver and nfs ip and that’s is
#parameter $nfsip = "" $xenserverip = "" Import-Module XenServerPSModule Connect-XenServer -Url https://$xenserverip #get all pdbs linked pointing to tintri datastore $colpbd = Get-Xenpbd | where {$_.device_config.server -like $nfsip} foreach ($pbd in $colpbd){ #get all SRs pointing to tintri pbds $colsr = Get-XenSR -opaque_ref $pbd.SR.opaque_ref foreach ($sr in $colsr) { #get all VDIs on SR $colvdi = Get-XenVDI | where { $_.SR.opaque_ref -like $sr.opaque_ref} foreach ($vdi in $colvdi){ #get vbd $colvbd = Get-XenVBD | where { $_.VDI.opaque_ref -like $vdi.opaque_ref} foreach ($vbd in $colvbd){ #Show VM VDI Path $vm = Get-XenVM -Ref $vbd.vm.opaque_ref Write-Host -For DarkYellow "The VM $($vm.name_label) has VDI $($vdi.name_label) on" Write-Host "Network Path: $($pbd.device_config.server)$($pbd.device_config.serverpath)/$($sr.uuid)/$($vdi.uuid).vhd" Write-Host "XenServer Path: /var/run/sr-mount/$($sr.uuid)/$($vdi.uuid).vhd" Write-Host "------------------------------" } } } }
Hi – Great Article. But I am unable to export in CSV or Excel. I am trying to export XenVM and associated ISO.
You safe my day!
I added the follow line and my work is done:
32 write-host „VDI Object Size: $($vdi.physical_utilisation)“
Big Thanks