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XenMobile 10 POC Installation using SSL_Bridge

XenMobile 10 is out!
But just for new installations, the upgrade path is expected to be released in the next 6 weeks

As there is nothing out there yet I’ve decided to write up some.
Please bear in mind that I don’t know if developers do really want to set it up like this, use at your own risk. However, it’s working 😉

This environment is set up using NetScaler 10.5 Build 54
My internal Network is and the internal dns namespace is cch.local
My DMZ/External Network is and the external dns namespace is cch.external & adnlab.de (I had to reuse an official certificate for netscaler gateway) means my external FQDN for MDM is mdm.cch.external and the external FQDN for NetScaler Gateway is login.adnlab.de

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