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Active Directory How to bulk create demo user
I’m right now preparing a lab environment and need some ad account for represent user of different departments.
As I was not able to find something in google which does create the users in the way I like, I decided to write up something in my own.
As it is maybe useful to some of you guys, here it is 🙂
#Globalconfig $password = "S3cr3tP@ssw0rd!" $departments = @("Sales", "Helpdesk", "Engineers", "User", "Manager", "Admin", "Test", "User") $OrganisationUnit = "OU=GlobalUser,dc=adnlab,dc=local" #userconfig $UserOrganization = "ADNLab" $UserUPNsuffix = "@adnlab.local" $UserEmailsuffix= "@adnlab.local" $UserChangePasswordatLogon = $false $UserCity = "Bochum" $UserPostalCode = "44688" $UserState = "NRW" $UserStreetAddress = "Josef-Haumann-Str. 10" $UserCountry = "DE" $UserCompany = "ADNLab" $UserPasswordNeverExpires = $true $securepassword = ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText $password -Force foreach ($usertype in $departments) { 1..7 | foreach { New-ADUser -Name "$usertype $_"-SamAccountName $usertype$_ -UserPrincipalName $usertype$_$UserUPNsuffix -Organization $UserOrganization -Department $usertype -Surname $_ -EmailAddress $usertype$_$UserEmailsuffix -ChangePasswordAtLogon $UserChangePasswordatLogon -City $UserCity -PostalCode $UserPostalCode -State $UserState -DisplayName "$usertype $_" -Company $UserCompany -StreetAddress $UserStreetAddress -Country $UserCountry -GivenName $usertype -PasswordNeverExpires $UserPasswordNeverExpires -AccountPassword $securepassword -Enabled $true -Title $usertype -Path $OrganisationUnit } }
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