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XenServer VM bulk export

a small script to export any VM on a XenServer to a given folder
I didn’t had time to find a command to separate the user templates from the system templates, so I pasted quick and dirty just the UUIDs

It does not snapshot VMs!


#Switch to working dir
cd /mnt/labimages/

#separator the for-loop is comma

#Collect and prepare VM uuids for export
for VMUUID in $(xe vm-list is-control-domain=false params=uuid --minimal);do
	VMNAMELABEL=$(xe vm-list uuid=$VMUUID params=name-label --minimal)
	echo "INFO: Export $VMNAMELABEL"
	xe vm-export uuid=$VMUUID compress=false filename=$VMNAMELABEL.xva
	echo "INFO: Finished exporting $VMNAMELABEL"
	sleep 5

#Collect and prepare template uuids for export

	TEMPLATENAMELABEL=$(xe template-list uuid=$TEMPLATEUUID params=name-label --minimal)
	xe template-export uuid=$TEMPLATEUUID compress=false filename=$TEMPLATENAMELABEL.xva
	echo "INFO: Finished exporting $VMNAMELABEL"
	sleep 5

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